Skagit Regional Airport, KBVS
Arlington Municipal Airport, AWO
Enhance your airstream with Vortex Generators
What do VG's do?
Vortex Generators will create a power full energized stagnant air yet controlled over the wing and tail. This energized boundary layer is creating more resistance to airflow separation.
What does that mean?
It will provide a greater lift, with greater control in flight at slower speeds, for take-off and landing.
How does it work?
By finding the accurate placement of VG's it will create a spiral motion of airflow.
Are these VG's FAA Approved?
Micro AeroDynamics VG's are FAA STC Approved
Where can I get them?
Vertex Aviation Services offers this service and is specialized in VG installations.
Want you VG's a special Color?
We can do that too in house. Tell us your recommended color and consider it done.
Vertex Aviation Services
15254 Flightline Rd, Unit B
Burlington, WA 98233
Tel: (360)-757-4876
~24 Hour Call Line~